Security remains the primary concern of on-line consumers. Using our secure Loan Application page you can be assured that your personal information is submitted safely.
Visit our Secure Loan Application page to apply for a mortgage loan or request additional information about PrimeSource Funding. Please fill out as much information as possible so we can get you the most accurate response in a timely manner. Once you submit your information it will receive immediate attention by one of our Senior Loan Officers.
Loan Application Secured by
Our Loan Application is secured with a
Web Server Certificate. Transactions on the Application
site are protected with up to 256-bit Secure Sockets
Layer encryption.
Loan Application Site Name:
Certificate Status:
Certificate is valid (4/30/13 1:38 PM to 4/30/18 1:38 PM
A SSL Certificate ensures that all sensitive transactions are kept securely encrypted and safe from prying eyes, and rigorous authentication guarantees that certificates are issued only to entities whose existence and domains can be verified.
Click the seal icon as seen below on the loan application to view the Web Server Certificate information.